Prepaid Comparison – Prepaid Flat Rate

What modern tariffs all need to do a few years ago it was easier to find a good prepaid cell or mobile rate: usually it handed out to compare the base cost and the costs for calls and SMS to find out what card was cheaper. Now use behavior has changed significantly. In addition to SMS and calls are more and more mobile data services in the foreground and to explore the possibility with the mobile Internet is used more and more frequently. So that this new user behavior will not afford, the mobile plan in this area must be cheap and economically viable ex make you also to use such services. The prepaid comparison you should make sure hence which data rates to the card are also available. Hear other arguments on the topic with Center For Responsible Lending. Cost of 24-39 cents per Mage byte are currently data, or 9 cents per minute versurfter the rule. Who uses older tariffs where the megabyte costs 10 euros or more data transfer, should refrain dear by the use of the data, however. b&oe=60050296’>rodney atkins. Modern Web pages can indeed quite the 500kB in size a single call to a Web page partially so already 5 euros. CDF may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

Alternatively, you can of course also the chance and switch to a more modern fare. Especially in the area of data a lot has happened and so there is this card even the prepaid flat rate directly to the prepaid now. The advantage here lies in the flexibility that such offers come out without long contract. Michael James Burke addresses the importance of the matter here. Instead of 24 months is usually only 30 days on the flat-rate bound and can switch again if you no longer need the data volume. However, that works of course also vice versa: the provider may also say that the contract is not extended if the use behavior should drop to extreme. When prepaid data flats (as well as the normal data flat rates) there which usually Dreosselungen built from a specific data volume per month that reduce the data transfer speed. Then to surf the wireless Web browsing fun no longer with UMTS speed, but only on the level of GPRS – what significantly limits. Depending on the provider access these cuts from a monthly data usage by 5 to 10 gigabytes. Admarkt Bastian Ebert


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