Archive for August, 2012

National Curricular Parameters

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

It was looked then to carry through a work based on the three axles of the National Curricular Parameters that guide the learning of the Art in the proposal of the EJA: to produce to appreciate and to contextualizar. The production must be carried through through experimentation, the appreciation is on to the artistic production of each one and of its colleagues and the contextualizao is the knowledge of the pupil in relation to its proper creation and the art as social and historical product. These axles are worked of adequate form to the projects considered for the professor. In a generalized manner, it is observed that the study of the art, the analysis of a workmanship and the appreciation of the art in itself, it contributes of well significant form for the process of personal creation of involved and the paper that each one plays in the culture and the current society. It is important to point out that this proposal is the result of studies carried through for the Dra. Ana Mother Barbosa, who believes that the components of the triangulation teach-learning that englobam artistic making, the historical contextualizao of the art and the reading of the work of art, is necessary to the aesthetic and cultural conditions in Brazil. This aesthetic education can be understood as the diverse forms of reading, as much from the daily one of the pupil as of workmanships or images of Art. The cited components, are on to the cognitivo scope of knowing, that engloba the knowledge of the manifestations of art, of knowing to make, that it is the artistic production of each one; knowing to be in the conviviality with the other, becomes related it the respect for the production of the colleague and the autocrtica in relation to its proper trabalho.1 From then on the professor has the function to propitiate situations that can assist the action of perfectioning in relation to the aesthetic agreement of the group with that it works, favoring the interest and the especificidades of each pupil, establishing a relation enters education/learning and looking for to contribute for the magnifying of the individual autonomy.

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